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Arkiverat under: Nelena


Selena Gomez @ Nick J's Les Mis Show?
Arkiverat under: Nelena

Selena Gomez @ Nick J's Les Mis Show?Selena Gomez @ Nick J's Les Mis Show?

Jag hoppas så jävligt mycket att det blir Nelena igen..


Selena Gomez Falling Down Lyric Change
Arkiverat under: Nelena

Från Martha: @ 1:20 säger hon "Du byggde mig rosor, men de är alla bara tillverkade av plast." Visste inte Nick Jonas byggt henne ett Rose Garden för Alla hjärtans dag när de fortfarande ihop? ;)


Nick Jonas Worst Part Of Dating Selena?
Arkiverat under: Nelena

Hahahaha akward


Selena Gomez Trick OR TREAT UNICEF
Arkiverat under: Nelena

UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez will return as Trick-or-Treat For UNICEF spokesperson this fall. For 60 years Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has served as The Original Kids Helping Kids campaign for generations of American children providing them with the most impactful way of making a difference in the lives of the world’s children. Children across the nation were inspired..

..to collect coins for UNICEF to aid kids recovering from World War II. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF pioneered service learning by educating young people about their peers in developing countries all around the world and engaging them in hands-on activities to raise awareness and much needed funds.

Selena, 'For American children and parents, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF offers an impactful way to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF was created to support UNICEF, which has saved more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world.'


Arkiverat under: Nelena

<3 Nelena <3