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Jonas Brothers Talks About Missing Prom
Arkiverat under: Jonas Brothers

Kevin Jonas chatted with Starpulse @ JONAS LA: 'We take a trip, we go away from home, we go to Los Angeles for the summer and spend it the three guys in a house in LA and really take on everything LA. has to offer. It’s the first time Disney’s ever done a continuous storyline show.

It’s going to be an amazing thing to see and hopefully the fans will be able to connect with it and I think our fans, where they are now, will definitely be able to relate with our characters and everything that they’re going through. I think we came into this having a life plan which was we are a band first.

No matter what we do on the side or we want to divert, we always want to come back to being a brother band. Just staying true to who The Jonas Brothers are but really for us, it’s exciting that we can be and do so many different things, like our new television show, Camp Rock 2.. There are so many different things that are happening and it’s going to be really nice.'

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