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Miley C Looking Hot
Arkiverat under: Miley Cyrus

Movie bosses are worrying that Miley Ray Cyrus is going to be the next Lindsay Lohan. A Hollywood casting agent spilled: 'Everyone in Hollywood is worried that Miley is on the path to becoming the next Lindsay Lohan. It’s the oldest story in showbiz, when a child star grows up and loses his or her entire fan base. For every Jodie Foster that exists, so does a Gary Coleman.'

A source close to Miley revealed, 'she is sick of being seen as squeaky clean Hannah Montana and can’t wait to be more like her real self, while noone in Miley’s inner circle, including both of her parents, dares warn her about such an extreme reinvention.' Do YOu think Miley is the next Lindsay or Britney?

UPDATE: Boyfriend Liam was not at the casino-themed Hannah Montana wrap party at h.wood on May 16. A source told Hollywood Life: 'There was no Liam in sight, but Will Smith stopped by the Hannah Montana wrap party to drop off his kids [Willow and Jaden]. They had a congratulatory cake, sushi, hot dogs and fries, a fondu set-up by chef Mark Mittelman, a doughnut cart, sugar cookies and custom tea blends from h.wood and tea room.

Miley had a special tea in her honor. She drank the Hannah Montana Blend, which is a blonde tea with ginger and lemon used to soothe the vocal chords. She also had the Miley Stewart Blend, which is a tea reminiscent of the sweet tea from Tennessee. She was running around dancing like crazy, and when the DJ played 'Party in the USA', she was even singing to her own song as she danced through the crowd.'

Hoppas verkligen att hon innte blir Lindsay lohan Eller den nästa :O

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