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WHy Jemi Split
Arkiverat under: Jemi

"Demi loves Joe so much, and know he feels the same. Joe and her had a conversation the other night about how quickly the seriousness of the relationship was getting. Joe just wanted to calm things down for a bit and was very open and honest with Demi."

And now our insider, who is VERY close to Joe, reveals exclusively to ZackTaylor.ca:

"Joe starting having these thoughts on where the relationship was heading ever since Demi got overly jealous about his on-screen kiss with Chelsea [Staub]. Right after the kiss she wouldn't keep her mouth shut about their relationship... It scared him, and he needed a break from someone watching over him 24/7. He loves her, but needed things to calm down."

Jag förstår Joe, det är jobbigt.. men hoppas dom är vänner som dom var förut =)

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